Friday, February 18, 2011

ASS #1: 100 Billion Dollars!

         Mr. Lobb, you should give me the 100 billion dollars because I would use it in positive ways. I would use the money to better my future, and only use the money in positive ways. this money would open many doors of opportunity for me and my family, also my future could be much brighter.

        First thing I would do with most of the money is invest! Putting the money into a saving account will allow me to make even more money on the large amount of money I already had. This money would be money I could use in the future when I plan to buy a house or put my kids into university or collage, or taxes, bills, insurance, and other living costs.

        The second thing I would do with the money is put myself through school, and help my dad out with this business he is trying to start called marketing on a box. With the rest of the money I would help my parents pay off any bills. Oh and I buy my self a car. Not a really expensive one just escalade. That’s the big thing I would buy for myself with the 100 billion dollars.

        To get this opportunity of not having to worry about money is something every one deals with, but that can not always be the case, but you should give me the money because I would put it to good use. To help all the people around me or people, and give my life and others more opportunity.


  1. Good work. A couple of minor spelling errors and grammatical problems, which could get cleaned up with a quick edit by a peer. A little more detail into the explanations for your reasons would be an improvement.

    Level 3


Summer Heights High

Summer Heights High
I’m Director of Performing Arts – spread it.