Monday, May 2, 2011

Act 1 Scene 3 - Macbeth Soliloquy - Two Truths are Told!

In the soliloquy "Two Truths Are Told" from Act 1 Scene 3, Macbeth is taking in what has just happened. He had been told by the 3 witches after the battle that he will become king and now Rose and Angus have told him he could be the king. In this scene Macbeth is thinking to himself could they be right, could I be king. Rose and Angus tell Macbeth he was the thane of Glamis, is now the thane of Cawdor and will be the future king. When they tell Macbeth that he is now the thane of Cawdor, Macbeth realizes the things the witches told him came true. Macbeth thinks that since two things the witches told me are true the next one must come true, about him becoming king. Macbeth thinks the witches are smart and have told him the future, but he realizes the only way he would become king would be for King Duncan to be killed. Macbeth considers himself killing the king, but realizes he couldn’t kill the king because the king is chosen by god and by killing the king he would be sent to hell. After he makes these conceptions to what he has heard from two separate people (the 3 witches and Rose and Angus) Macbeth is left feeling very confused about the situation and about how he feels and what he is going to do next. He realizes time will go on no matter what he decides to do. So he leaves thinking what ever happens, happens and he’s fine with that.

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Summer Heights High

Summer Heights High
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