Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My Five Exam Questions

1. Compare the women in both the novels and compare there similarities and differences.

In the novel Macbeth, Lady Macbeth is very manipulative and plays a very dominant roll, very un-lady like or manly. Lady Macbeth seems to bring out the worst in Macbeth, she puts ideas in Macbeth’s head and pushes him to go further to be king. Elizabeth on the other hand brings out the best in Victor. Elizabeth loves nature and is very caring towards others. Both women in the novels have power and play a big part in the main characters decisions. but they are opposite. Lady Macbeth is crazy and has a uncontrollable will for power and wont stop at anything to get it. Elizabeth it not like that at all, she is grateful for what she has and is happy as she is.

2. Victor created his own problem, show how he didn’t do anything to solve it.

3. Define evil – think about what it is, what it means, how it comes out and how it affects the world and characters of the story.

4. What is a monster?

5. What does blasphemy mean?

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