Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My Quiz Questions

1. In the 70's what was the main type of music?

The main type of music was Disco.

2. What kind of sound is disco music?

I'ts a repetive, stick in your head, not interesting music that white folks lysin to.

3. Where did pop music come from?

Pop music came from disco music, as soon as disco was big cool people hated it and pop music became alive.

4. Who is a famous person today that worked with motown records?

Michael Jackson worked with motown when he was a little boy, and now he is dead :(

5. What were "cool kids" lystening to in the 60's?

The cool kids were lysining to folk music becuse it was honest and real and the rock music at that time was very phony.

6. What dance was made up by black people? What did the dance represent?

The dance was called the cake walk, it was making fun of rich white people.

7. What is the name of the place where black people went on sundays?

The place was called the Congo Square, and white people would watch the black people and the black people made up dances.

8. Who was the Beatles Target Audience? Why?

Their target audience was teenage girls becausethey like harmany and melody and cute boys! ;)

9. Who was Bary Gordy Junior? What did he do?

Bary Gordy Junior took black kids off the street and tained them to dance, sing and to be performers, just like The Jason 5.

10. When did music become a HUGE business? Why did it?

Music became huge in the 70's because alot of things were changing, the war was still going on, gay culture becomes more open, image and style become more important. Disco music was all about fashion and looks.

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Summer Heights High
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