Tuesday, November 23, 2010

New Unit: TV

1. Three showes you like:
- Desperate House Wives
- Gossip Girl
- Top Chef

2. Why You like thoughs shows:

I like the show Desperate House Wives because it is a made up comedy involving rich mothers, there kids, and there life situations, the polt of their lives are funny, and can sometimes be touching and sad.

I like the show Gossip Girl because i enjoy seeing the new stuff they get into and I look forward to watching it every week, just to keep up with there drama and life. Its enjoyable to relax and watch something that is like your life.

I like the show Top Chef because i love good healthy food, i work at benmiller inn and see amazing food all the time being made and my family has traveled all over the counrty and i have had the opportunity to try so many diffrent typs of food. I love to try new food and see how food is made and what goes into making it. When i watch these shows I get an intrest in the food they are making and get ideas for what to try next, and to learn new thing about food.

3. Three shows you do not like:
- Dance-Off Pants-Off
- Dancing With The Stars
- Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader

4. Why you dont like thoughs TV shows:

I do not like the show Dance-Off Dance-Off because it is pointless, imbarasing to the person danceing and a waist of air time. There are more things to be on tv than some random person who just wants on tv dancing and stripping.

I do not like the show Dancing With The Stars becuase it is very showy, and sparkly, and is only about already famous people try to be even more famous by being on a show trying to be a ball room dancer. And they wear very showy outfits that dont cover enough up. It gets to the point where its just like its the same dance every week just hoochier outfit and a diffrent person who is already famous. So You Think You Can Dance is a good show but i dont enjoy Dancing With The stars, like whos the star? the famous dancer, or the alradys famous actor or nba player? And the judes better not get payed all they do it hold up a sing that says 9 on it ... oh and the music on it is pathetic ( watch it you will laugh, it sounds like a game show in the 80's)

I do not like the show Are You Smarter That A 5th Grader, because the kids tey have on that show are probly the smartest kids in the province and when there not on the show they learn the answers. And it makes people look dumb infront of our nation, like why would you do that to your self and let be aired?
and the host is on drugs because he is just all over the place.

5. How many hours a week do you spend waching tv?
In one week i watch about 3-4 hours of tv. Half an hour watching Desperate House Wives, another half hour watching Gossip Girl and about on hour a week watching the tyra show and almost an hour a week watching top chef, or an show on the food network.

6. Parents!
1)A TV Show Your Parents Like:
Mom - Amazing Race
    Dad - Doesnt like tv, but if its ever on he will watch the tour da france, or triatholon races

2) Why they like thoughs shows:
Mom - She loves to travel and she gets to see all over the world and likes cheering for who she is hoping to win the money.
Dad - My dad bikes and runs and swims so he likes shows that show that and talk about that.

3) A Show They Do Not Like:
Mom - South Park
Dad - Any show that is not real

4) Why they dont like that show:
Mom - Thinks its disrespectfu, and pointless, an not funny, and very inaproperiat
Dad - doest like these shows because they are a waist of time and not educational.

5)Time spent watching tv a week:
Mom- She watches about 4 hours on shows she recordedddd
Dad  - He will maybe atch 20 min watching tv

I like these shows because they are targeted at a audience like me and they itrest me at this age.

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Summer Heights High
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